Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Relay for Life 2011

Saturday, Relay for Life was held at Summit High School in Fontana. Southland once again had the pleasure of being able to donate their time, music and all proceeds to this wonderful fundraising charity for cancer research. Wayne's mother had cancer, so this is especially dear to his heart.

The entertainment schedule. You can see we were scheduled to play at 4:30pm

The stage that also shows the name, date and location. And in true Fontana style, the wind picked up shortly before Southland played. But of course, all the locals are quite used to the winds.

Wayne, Kevin and Mike

Roy (first time playing since his open heart surgery. We are all glad to have him back!), Wayne, Kevin and Mike

Roy & Wayne

While Southland played, the walkers still walked to raise money for cancer research,

People tossed balls in the field near their tents, while others rested inside them,

Mothers played with their babies and

kids ran around burning off lots of energy, while others sat nearby cheering on the walkers/runners.

And while all this was happening, they were being entertained by Southland's music by either sitting in the audience or listening to them via the speakers.

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